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Bleakley Advisory Group的首席投资长Peter Boockvar表示,标普500指数第三季的利润率似乎已达到创纪录的10%。数据预测,标准普尔500指数第三季获利增长28%。预计第四季度利润将增长18%。Boockvar表示,苹果在一家主要供应商公布订单放缓后股价下跌是周一股市下跌的一个催化剂。市场还在对白宫贸易顾问彼得·纳瓦罗上周五的言论做出反应。纳瓦罗表示,任何贸易协议都将按照唐纳德·特朗普总统的条件进行。

In terms of academic accomplishments, Geoff has more than 250,000 citations, with more than half in the last five years. He has an astoundingly high H-index of 142. He was the co-inventor of the seminal work on Boltzmann Machines and backpropagation using gradient descent (published in 1983 with Terry Sejnowski, and the Nature paper with David Rumelhart in 1986). This work introduced the idea of hidden layers in neural networks, along with a mathematically elegant and computational tractable way to train their affiliated parameters. Hidden layers freed the software from “human control” (such as expert systems) and back propagation allowed non-linear combination to essentially discover prominent features (in a more goal-directed way than humans) in the process. However, it turned out that these ideas were before their time, as there were not enough data or computing power to enable these theoretical approaches to solve real-world problems or beat other approaches in competitions. The early-1980's were dominated by expert systems, which became discredited in by late-1980's when they were proven to be brittle and unscalable. What displaced expert systems was not Geoff's proposals (which were too early), but simplified versions of neural networks which were compromised to work with less data and computation. My Ph.D. thesis (using hidden Markov models) was among them, and these simplified approaches were able to make some contributions with some applications, but like expert systems, they were not able to scale to the hardest problems (such as playing Go, human-level speech or vision).
